Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Why Beer?

I have several reasons.

I initially tried it because...

It was a form of rebellion against my upbringing.
I was curious.
All real men drink beer - Thank you advertising!

I'm attracted to it, because the idea of standing around the BBQ with a couple of mates, holding a cold one, just seems natural and fun.

I drink it because...

I've learned to like it.
I like how it makes me feel. The hops has an anti-depressant quality to it, and with 5 kids, 3 jobs and a whole host of other stresses, I can use all the anti-depressant and anti-anxiety help I can get. I run too, but sometimes that is not enough!

I thought I'd start a review blog because...

There are so many different kinds of beer. Different ingredients, different brewing styles and a whole host of other variables.
I like the idea of trying different things. Different recipes, different cultures and different tastes.
I thought it would be fun to share my adventures in brewing.

So here it is... My brew review blog. Exploring the world of beer and my journeys into it.

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